by Carl Moler
First want to thank all of you who attended the meeting last evening… didn’t get an exact count but somewhere in the 30 person range were here… had a great time and realized that the club meetings offer a great opportunity to socialize with our team mates as well as conduct club business etc… had a great time and look forward to doing it again and maybe seeing a few more of you attend… I am going to summarize what transpired to the best of my ability but any of you who were there and feel a need to interject something, feel free to email me and I will try to get that out to everyone as well…
People began arriving shortly before 6:30 and for the next 45 minutes about 30 club members arrived and socialized, ate pizza, pretzels, veggies, and washed it down with an assortment of liquid refreshments. A number of members also purchased the New CV Club T-Shirts and collected 2012 Race Reimbursement Checks during this time. Everyone was also encouraged to put their names in for the Door Prize Drawing for a CV Club T-Shirt.
At 7:15 the meeting was convened:
We watched a 10 minute video by Patman Video (Pat Meagher) on the individual and team state time trials… Eddie Kissee provided the audio and some really humorous, enlightening, and entertaining narrative on the adventures we watched…
Next any new club members who had joined in the last 6 months were encouraged to introduce themselves. I think four, maybe five did and it was really interesting to hear from them.
Our CLUB SPONSORS were the next topic of discussion and I spoke briefly about their contributions and importance to the continued success of our club…
NEW WEST PAINTING Tom and Lynn Eckes
are these sponsors and we can’t thank them enough for their support… Of special note was the recently delivered yearly donation by Tom and Lynn Eckes which allows for a partial reimbursement of race costs to club members … as previously stated a number of those checks were written at the meeting…
The CANYON VELO BOARD was acknowledged and a brief description of their duties given…
President Carl Moler
Vice President Eddie Kissee
Membership Hans Jorgensen
Webmaster Sue Geisbach
Race Results/
Pictures Rich Savitt
Pictures Pat Meagher
Clothing Order/
Consultant Charlie Tatarian
Sargeant of Arms/
Jack of All Trades Scott Guyett
Web Consultant Wes Kridle
CLUB CLOTHING was the next topic of discussion…
Charlie Tatarian outlined the general process… specifics will be addressed later but basically we are on track to have our 2013 Kits delivered in December 2012. There will be a design process that involves the board and any other members who wish to be an “active” part of that committee … emphasis on the “active” part… we have a decent amount of time to work through this process and some concepts have already been put in for consideration… Can’t thank Charlie enough for his involvement as this really is a pretty complicated process… I am on a learning curve this year. It should be noted that it is under Charlie’s watch that we went from getting our clothing “sometime” during the year… Often very late and even after the race season… to being one of the first clubs the last two years to get our club kits… It is my goal to continue this model on my watch… in order to do that we have to have some rules and guidelines. Cooperation in meeting timelines is critical and members have done a great job of this over the last couple of years.
I talked briefly about availability of the new CV Club T-Shirts and CV Hats… there are still an number of the new T-Shirts available in Med, Large, and Extra Large sizes for $10 each… if there is enough demand we will make another order… let me know if you want a shirt and we can arrange to get it done… There are a few Club hats available as well for $10 … same scenario if there is enough interest we will make another order…
We discussed CLUB RIDES briefly at this point:
Eddie Kissee talked about the Holiday Ride component of our ride opportunities… the Memorial Club Day Ride to Tom’s Farm was a success and he reminded us of the upcoming Fourth of July Day ride up GMR… he will be sending out details soon… I also interjected that we will have another ride opp that day for those who can’t commit the time to the GMR version… again more info will be coming out soon…
Rich Savitt discussed his concept of an occasional “Escape From Irvine” club ride opportunity… he will send out a more detailed description at some point but basically the concept involves interacting with other clubs and “Escaping” our ride routines every once in a while and riding with other clubs and experiencing their ride culture and scenery… again more details to come…
I spoke briefly about a new or renewed Sunday Ride Opportunity… there will still be the normal “Hammerhead” version that completes the 20 miles to the beach at warp speed … I will be offering a “Coffee Crew” option that will ride at a “brisk and steady” 20 – 20+ rate… we will start at the back of the “Hammerhead” group and head to the beach at our pace… more details to come… but my involvement in this option is probably a couple of weeks away…
The CLUB PARTY was our next topic…
Charlie Tatarian briefly reviewed our last effort last January at the Eastlake Village Clubhouse in Yorba Linda… It was a great success and a good time was had by all… not sure whether that is an option yet but hope so… we are looking at a weekend in January 2013 after the holiday “smoke has cleared” for this year’s party… details to follow “way down the road.”
We next focused on the new CLUB WEBSITE …
I thanked all those involved in the process… there were notable contributions by a number of people including Rich Savitt, Pat Meagher, Charlie Tatarian and Wes Kridle… however it was due to the efforts, knowledge, and long hours put in by SUE GREISBACH that this new website is a reality… it is still a work in progress but MAJOR KUDOS GO TO SUE !!
Sue couldn’t be at the meeting but the other important Website people briefly spoke…
Rich Savitt… Send him your race results and also he will help with pictures… give him race details… your category and race times when applicable … they will be updated regularily…
Pat Meagher… A humble man of few words… and I quote…
“Send me Pictures.”
Ed Kissee… A man of experience, knowledge, and wise words… If you have any topics you wish discussed on “As The Wheels Turn” email him and he will impart his take and words of wisdom on the topic on the site…
Time was growing short and the OPEN FORUM segment of the meeting was pretty short…
There was a brief discussion about how best to pick the brains of the successful racers in the club… if there is enough interest in starting an Open Forum option on the website then we will see if we can make that happen… It was noted however that in years past this option was not utilized … it was recommended in the interim that interested parties use the club roster email addresses to directly communicate with those who have experience and knowledge that may be helpful in member ride development…
…if you need information of a technical rule or other USCF issue… contact Rich Savitt… he is our resident USCF RACE OFFICIAL and expert on all things rules…
The Door Prize drawing was held and meeting was adjourned at this point…(8:15ish) The actual meeting segment had taken approximately an hour.
The Social Opportunity revisited by a number of club members… as the remaining pizza and a number of liquid refreshments were consumed for the next 45 minutes or so…
As previously stated… it was a great evening and I believe a good time was had by all who attended… bottom line is that events like this reinforce for me what a great group of people we have in this club… hope to see those of you who couldn’t make it at the next meeting…